Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Where every one sucks once in there life.

Welcome back to another wonderful day of daily noob tubes. hope your enjoying thanks for watching.

So i came across this video or movie that's about to be released some time this winter where there's no gloves just a 12X12 arena and convicts duke it out in the hood for a couple of hundreds a day so like the shit its call dawg fights. own lol

Wonder how many people get hurt on bikes a year?

Owneage snowmobile crashes out of this world.

Leave the parkour to the pros armature's pown

Who says girls can't piss every where like dudes. Owned

Doing the news in style.

Oh no it happened again!!

Flame on!! on no i forgot being the fantastic four isn't possible.

I was wondering why sea world shut down early this month :P OWNED.

Thanks for tuning in today check out my blog tomorrow to catch up on the daily NOOB Tube and as always have an awesome day i know i will =]

Also ill recommend this site i found some pretty awesome thing on it like a 6,500 fish bowl.

Thanks =]

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