Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Powned and owned

Where every one still sucks once in there life's.

Welcome back Follower's how's your holidays going so far? I hope every ones drinking there eggnog extra spiked this year to show your fail ass off :0 well Enjoy today's blog.

Check out the girl with a dragon tattoo, Now in theaters!! Looks like a great story line i know I'm going to be seeing this soon tell me your feed back on this. Thanks

EPIC MEAL Time comes at you for the holidays with a Huge dreamy bacon Christmas tree.

Ahhh another reason where going to have so much fun with siri I-phone 4

another stuntastic video of action packed fails :]

How dedicated are you for you schools team I keep telling my mom not to go all out but my Friend's are telling me that's just dumb for me to say a god damn word, fuck you .

Who's in line to get there spider Bite? 

Hey look Cox's smokers are now discounted.

I take a pledged to this!!!

I don't know whats worse, Getting slipped the roofie, Or getting caught between two guys that don't know what there doing in the first place.

Thanks for stopping by for today's blog have an awesome day i know i will and remember kids get out there in the real world and grow up Because god damn it your are only hope of a future. GOOD LUCK Thanks and till next time.

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