Tuesday, December 20, 2011

NOOB Tube 

powned and Owned 

Where everyone still suck once in there life!!!!

Hello people, how can i put this so it gets across too you..... IT FUCKING COLD!!! hope you got my memo well now that i got that off my chest let take a trip on NOOB tube and have some laughs enjoy and send me some feed back if you like it or think its to hilarious so far or what i should do to make it better Thanks and keep tuning in :]

The Cabin In the woods Releases April 15, 2012, Apparently you can't go camping any more with out getting killed GREAT Nana call the camping trip off next week I'm done.

You ever got your ass beaten?? TO DUBSTEP!!!!

Just taking the trash out, NOOB :p

Who would of thought Moose's hate cave men that hold big sticks saying gibberish!!

He Say's it part of his belt but why say that when chicks are impressed?

This man has caught a Gay Cat, HEYY I'm a serious Kitty pur hiss powned.

Isn't that the truth.

 Don't put that in your mouth you don't know where its been????

Genius Zebra Gum also makes Zebra Cakes!!! Owned

Thanks for stopping By enjoy the day and have a good and awesome day i know i will :] And please please send me one of those Zebra Cakes 
;] Thanks

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