Monday, December 12, 2011


Powned and owned

 Welcome back NOOB Tubers glad your checking out my blog every day. ;)

Where every one still sucks once in there life

Now i checked out this preview looks pretty action packed and full of excitement. so go see Sherlock Holmes: A game of shadows and reply a message and tell me if its a ya or nay. But viewed the last movie Holmes made and it seem he already new what owning meant this wasn't his first bull ride seemed like he was on his top game so thanks Sherlock for powning in movies you might actually catch up to Jason Statham or not will find out.

Well i think i got a pretty neat blog today, its got a lot of drunk people fails in it to dedicate my drunk ass last night so sit back and watch these drunk ass get owned in there own stupidity in today's blog. 

Now this is what happens when you have ass hole Friends that look for revenge on your ass so do what I do always get even and pown there ass for the Blog. (THANKS)

This is the college life kids go out there and enjoy it because this is what the good life's about own that toilet with your vomit. super drunk ass pwoning powers woooooo!!!!

Check out this video the first guy in the back of the video is fucking hilarious with mud all over his face wtf seriously was he doing omg. think he wanted some more vodka.

That's when you know this is a designated party area when you need a sign to own the area.

 Now Wait this is actually a good think at least its all going in the bowl. because most drunks are selfish with there puke all over the walls floors god damn pown to this gal.

No this is pretty good for me because im totally getting ammo to pown a couple of things well i pick up my 12 pack of bud lights. owned!!!

I wonder if he has an epic rainbow shit powned.

By the way this was me last night i was petting this huge fucking cat that looked like a small baby tiger i so wanted to saddle that bitch and ride it on to the night. To bad the owner was totally against that it would of made a great video :].

Thanks for tuning in for todays blog check out tomorrows for my updated and as always have an awesome day I know i will. :]

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