Saturday, December 17, 2011


Powned and owned

Hello, hola mother Tuber's, Miss me well I'm bringing a whole different show to ya today happy weekend woop woop i hope you enjoy today's blog have a great Saturday =P PS GALS LEAVE THE NUMBER'S lil player's

The bats back oh shit!

Looks like that deer doesn't play Fair at this game.. owned

Shit fifty bucks wager im jumping right on that bitch :D 

I'm peeved off!!
Powned by little cup of joyNess!!

Prom's going to be awesome with all basken robins 31 flavors!!

The kids wont even suspect we got them portal 2 for Christmas. wait oh shit it did it again babe re-wrap.

Such a dick move on girls part for giving false numbers powned

Too bad Jeff's busy for the holidays he's there by heart for the holidays.

Now where going to make the star wars saga happen in are own house.

Thanks for checking out todays blog and as always have an awesome day i know i will peace to the middle east ill see you tomorrow on NOOB Tube :p

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