Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Powned and owned

Where every one still sucks once in there life's.

Welcome back Follower's how's your holidays going so far? I hope every ones drinking there eggnog extra spiked this year to show your fail ass off :0 well Enjoy today's blog.

Check out the girl with a dragon tattoo, Now in theaters!! Looks like a great story line i know I'm going to be seeing this soon tell me your feed back on this. Thanks

EPIC MEAL Time comes at you for the holidays with a Huge dreamy bacon Christmas tree.

Ahhh another reason where going to have so much fun with siri I-phone 4

another stuntastic video of action packed fails :]

How dedicated are you for you schools team I keep telling my mom not to go all out but my Friend's are telling me that's just dumb for me to say a god damn word, fuck you .

Who's in line to get there spider Bite? 

Hey look Cox's smokers are now discounted.

I take a pledged to this!!!

I don't know whats worse, Getting slipped the roofie, Or getting caught between two guys that don't know what there doing in the first place.

Thanks for stopping by for today's blog have an awesome day i know i will and remember kids get out there in the real world and grow up Because god damn it your are only hope of a future. GOOD LUCK Thanks and till next time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


POWNED and owned

Where every one still sucks once in there life.

Thanks for stopping by and checking today's blog ahhh late night munchies getting work done well enjoy the fuck out of today's blog well i eat this bag oh skittles and rainbows. THANKS :]

Check out the three stooges movie coming out in 2012 looks fucking hilarious my favorite parts when he inflects pain on snookie in the end Lmao.

This deer really fucks up local peoples pets, because this is how they run shit in the woods powned

I wonder if This is what it be like for games to be real?? ;P

Doors can be enemies to many people.

Man it just gets smaller and smaller same with the bush too.

He's faking nooo!! why didn't you just let him have a couple of bowls at least you selfish kids ahhh.Trix is his thing, RIP Trix rabbit 

Man has dedication to his Honda!

Come on we all know why we really like this brand and choice of alcholic beverage!!!

Look at me now mom ain't you proud of me ~__~ Just somebody love me Lol fail

Till tomorrow daily fail NOOB Tubers have an awesome day i know i will :] and remeber go out there and fail.

NOOB Tube 

powned and Owned 

Where everyone still suck once in there life!!!!

Hello people, how can i put this so it gets across too you..... IT FUCKING COLD!!! hope you got my memo well now that i got that off my chest let take a trip on NOOB tube and have some laughs enjoy and send me some feed back if you like it or think its to hilarious so far or what i should do to make it better Thanks and keep tuning in :]

The Cabin In the woods Releases April 15, 2012, Apparently you can't go camping any more with out getting killed GREAT Nana call the camping trip off next week I'm done.

You ever got your ass beaten?? TO DUBSTEP!!!!

Just taking the trash out, NOOB :p

Who would of thought Moose's hate cave men that hold big sticks saying gibberish!!

He Say's it part of his belt but why say that when chicks are impressed?

This man has caught a Gay Cat, HEYY I'm a serious Kitty pur hiss powned.

Isn't that the truth.

 Don't put that in your mouth you don't know where its been????

Genius Zebra Gum also makes Zebra Cakes!!! Owned

Thanks for stopping By enjoy the day and have a good and awesome day i know i will :] And please please send me one of those Zebra Cakes 
;] Thanks

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Powned and owned

Where everyone still sucks once in there life!!!

Welcome back to today's fail blog hope your enjoying all my post so far.

Not the best exorcism movie out there but what one is lol i watch this preview looks pretty good for a scary movie though go see The Devil Inside and tell me how much it scares you :]

Owner Boner's right here

The healthy Rap for drive thru's

I'm signing up for yoga today. The always find better ways to work the gluts.

So tell me about her death of fire at a water amusement park wtf how lmao fail

I found the rejects for keebler's elf's that didn't make it hide out.

Those are mighty fine nipples you have dimples i meant dimples owned.

Lol the new I phone 4 helps you find an alternative route to suicide.  

Children this is why you don't stay awake when Santa's coming to town.

Who needs a beer pong partner!! any one any one

Either the best photo Bomb ever for us and possibly the worst for him Lol powned

 Thanks for stopping by have an awesome start to your week and an awesome day i know i will :] happy holidays.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Powned and owned

Hello, hola mother Tuber's, Miss me well I'm bringing a whole different show to ya today happy weekend woop woop i hope you enjoy today's blog have a great Saturday =P PS GALS LEAVE THE NUMBER'S lil player's

The bats back oh shit!

Looks like that deer doesn't play Fair at this game.. owned

Shit fifty bucks wager im jumping right on that bitch :D 

I'm peeved off!!
Powned by little cup of joyNess!!

Prom's going to be awesome with all basken robins 31 flavors!!

The kids wont even suspect we got them portal 2 for Christmas. wait oh shit it did it again babe re-wrap.

Such a dick move on girls part for giving false numbers powned

Too bad Jeff's busy for the holidays he's there by heart for the holidays.

Now where going to make the star wars saga happen in are own house.

Thanks for checking out todays blog and as always have an awesome day i know i will peace to the middle east ill see you tomorrow on NOOB Tube :p

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Powned and owned

Welcome back to another great day on NOOB Tube hope you've been enjoying these hilarious posting so far. Fuck the snows coming so where your fucking fail suits and get out there and make some videos. Well i put a pretty good fail blog today check it out and Thanks for the support. :]

How many people can you kill in today blog new release Hitman 5 : Absolution 
I've played every Hitman game out so far and by far this one looks amazing just tops the cheery on the cake with graphics and game play.

Now when he was thinking about this idea i wonder if he was using his head. LOL By doing that he got owned

Guess who the real NOOB is in this video.

Epic Pokemon rock parody owneage 

Oh this church always gives me pointers on sex. Sorry Jesus I'm 69ing today

Make every stroke count!!!

Of course there needs to be free cookies that's how we draw the fat ones in.

Oh no Larry turned magically black because of this 40 Min video a day.... Who cares he's ripped now. Oh well

Ahh nothing better than a warm Mr. Dick in your mouth.

Thanks for stopping by daily NOOB tubers i hope you like today's post as always have an awesome day i know i will and don't for get to fail :} By every one :p


Powned and owned

Where every one sucks once in there life.

Thanks for tuning in today posted my blog a little early today getting pretty excited about doing this all the time. well enjoy today's blog i made sure it was a good one.

All i have to say is its finally here MEN IN BLACK 3 
cant wait that long but what do you gals/guys think up or down

Watch this hippo shit all over and pown all theses fuck ups with its massive ass attack movements lmao.

????Lol batman still owns the Riddler even though he cant solve a got damn mother fucken riddle????

WOW  XBOX Kinect just keeps getting better and better watch how you get ahead by powning EXP.

This is why girls fall harder do to the bigger the balls

OH wow i guess there was a plus to gay marriage after all OK go ahead and do it.

Only Charlie can take on a challenge as good as he puts out to go up against thanks for powning. Hes even got a second bag on tap in the back wow.

You ever see the real Ratatouille, looks like it didn't end well ;D

Apparently the boys thought the same about you. 

Thanks for tuning in daily NOOB Tubers ill see you tomorrow and as always have an awesome day I know i will :]. Keep checking every day to see some crazy shit on here thanks again. the more views i get the better and ill be updating if i get a lot =]

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Where every one sucks once in there life.

Welcome back to another wonderful day of daily noob tubes. hope your enjoying thanks for watching.

So i came across this video or movie that's about to be released some time this winter where there's no gloves just a 12X12 arena and convicts duke it out in the hood for a couple of hundreds a day so like the shit its call dawg fights. own lol

Wonder how many people get hurt on bikes a year?

Owneage snowmobile crashes out of this world.

Leave the parkour to the pros armature's pown

Who says girls can't piss every where like dudes. Owned

Doing the news in style.

Oh no it happened again!!

Flame on!! on no i forgot being the fantastic four isn't possible.

I was wondering why sea world shut down early this month :P OWNED.

Thanks for tuning in today check out my blog tomorrow to catch up on the daily NOOB Tube and as always have an awesome day i know i will =]

Also ill recommend this site i found some pretty awesome thing on it like a 6,500 fish bowl.

Thanks =]