Friday, January 27, 2012

Welcome to NOOB TUBE

Where every one sucks once in there life

The new American Reunion looks funny as shit Jim's dad hooks up with Stiffler's Mom ahhh classic mom haha

This is how the real twilight should of went down lol fails they really caught the best of the characters.

I hope Charizard gets anger management Lmao 

Most epic video ever omg omg 

As if ain't the truth Always putting the white man down lmao jk hahaha

Holly shit the snuggie just got an upgrade.

Man of many disguises i didn't even know this was the same man in every one.

No wonder the want to shut google down its getting to powerful people are starting to notice.

Lazy america wins again fail pown

Hope you enjoyed todays blog keep checking to see updates hope you liked todays until next time fail it up.

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